No A/4601211/2016 DRT-1II
Ministry of Finance
5th Floor, Dewa Tovvers, 770-A Anna
Dated 17.11.2016
Subject: Filling up of Private Secretary post in Debts Recovery Tribunal-114 Chennai on deputation basis.
The Debts Recovery Tribunal is a quasi judicial body set up under the provisions of the Recovery of Debts Due to Banks and Financial Institutions Act, 1993 by the Ministry of Finance, Department of Financial Services, Government of India. It k proposed to fill up the Private Secretary-1 Post (General Central Service; Group 'IV Gazatted; Non Ministerial) in the Tribunal by transfer on deputation basis.
Pay in the pay band of 115.9300-3480V+GP Rs.4600/-(Pre revised)
a) Officers in the Central Government or State Governments or in Courts holding analogous posts on regular basis and having a degree from a recongnised University or
b) Stenographers Grade 'C.' with eight year's regular service in the Pay Band 2 of Rs.9300-34800/-+ Grade Pay Rs_4200/- (Pre-revised) or equivalent and having a degree from a recongnised
Desirable: Preference will be given to persons having experience in legal or judicial work.
The period of deputation shall be initially for a period of one year but extendable up to three years. The appointment of candidates selected for the posts on deputation basis .will be governed by the terms and conditions mentioned in Ministry of Personnel & Training orders bearing OM No. DOPT 0.M. No 6I8/2 9-Est (Pay-111 dated 17.06.2010 as amended from time to time.
Age Limit for the post is 56 years as on the last date for receipt of applications in this Tribunal.
The applications of eligible candidates who are desirous of joining the posts on deputation basis and who can be spared immediately may be forwarded to this Tribunal in the prescribed Proforma (Annexure-11) along with attested copy of APAR Dossiers for the last 5 years along with vigilance clearance & integrity certificates, so as to reach the Secretary Registrar, Debts Recovery Tribunal-III within 30 days from the date of this circular_ Officials who volunteer for the post will not be permitted to withdraw their names later.
Encl:Annexure A.
1)AII Ministries/Departments of Government of India
2)The Registrars of all DI T5 & DRTS
3)The CAT, Principal Bench, New Delhi
4) Admn Depts of State Govt of Tamil Nadu/ Central Govt offices in Tamil Nadu
5) The Registrar General, Madras High Court and Registrar (Adam), Madurai Bench of Madras High Court
Annexure – ‘A’
Application for the post of ……………………………………………………………………………………………………
1 |
Name : (in Block letter) |
2. |
Postal Address ( in Block Letters) |
Email id: |
Cell Phone : |
Office Phone: |
3 |
Date of Birth ( in Christian era): Age as on closing date of the application |
4 |
Date of retirement under Central / State Government Rules: |
5 |
Name of the Parent Organization of the applicant: Postal address of parent Organization and Telephone / Fax Numbers: |
6 |
Nature of present employment , i.e. adhoc or temporary or Quasi permanent or permanent: |
7 |
Additional details about present employment :- Please state whether you are working under ( Indicate the name of your employer against the relevant Column) |
(a) Central Government (b) State Government (C) Autonomous Organization (d) Government Undertaking (e) Universities (d) Others |
8 |
In case the present employment is held on deputation / contract basis, please state. |
(a) The date of initial appointment |
(b)Period of appointment on deputation/contract |
(c)Name of the parent office/Organization to which you belong. |
9 |
Present Pay Band and Grade pay: |
10 |
Are you in revised scale of pay? If yes, give the date from which the revision took place and also indicate the pre revised scale. |
11 |
Date of return from last ex-cadre post, if any: |
12 |
Educational Qualifications: |
13 |
Whether Education and other qualifications required for the post are satisfied. If any qualification has been treated as equivalent to the one prescribed in Rules, State the authority for the same: |
Qualification / Experience required |
Qualification / Experience Possessed |
Essential |
Desired |
14 |
Please state clearly whether in the light of the entries made by you above, you have met the requirements of the post: |
15 |
Details of Employment, in chronological order. Enclose a separate sheet, dully authenticated by your signature, if the space below is sufficient: |
Office/ Institution |
Post held |
From |
To |
Scale of pay and Basic Pay |
Nature of duties ( in detail) |
16 |
Please state whether you are working in the same Department and are in feeder grade or feeder grade to feeder grade: |
17 |
Please state whether you are applying for deputation (ISTC) absorption/ re-employment basis (Officers Under Central/State Governments are only eligible for ‘Absorption”. Candidates of non Government organizations are eligible only for short term contract): |
18 |
Whether belongs to SC/ST/OBC: |
19 |
Brief of duties handled: |
20 |
Whether you have working experience on computer and internet. Additional information, if any, which you would like to mentioned in support of your suitability for the post: |
I have carefully gone through the vacancy circular/advertisement and am well aware that the Bio-Data dully supported by documents submitted by me will also be assessed by the Selection Committee at the time of selection for the post.
Address Signature of the Candidate Contact No & email ID:
Office of the ………………………………
Certificate to be furnished by the employer/Head of office/Forwarding Authority
1. Certified that particulars furnished by Shri /Smt /Km ……………………………………………………………. Found
Correct and he/she possessed educational qualifications and experience mentioned in the circular.
Also certified that:
a. There is no vigilance case pending / contemplated against him/her.
b. Copies of ACRs for the last 5 years duly attested on each page by an officer of the rank of Under Secretary to the Government of India are enclosed.
c. His integrity is beyond doubt.
d. No major / minor penalties has been imposed on him during the last five Years / list of major / minor penalties imposed on him /her during the last five years is enclosed.
e. This office has no objection to his/ her selection; he /she will be immediately relieved to take charge of the assignment.
(Strike out which is not applicable)
Dated Signature
Place: Name & Designation of the employer (With Seal)
Tel No & Official email id:
Certified that there is no major / minor penalty imposed on Shri / Smt _________________ for the last five years.
Place: Signature
Name & Designation of the employer (With Seal)
Tel No & Official email id:
No. A/12011/1/2015-Admn.
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
5th Floor, Spencer Towers, 770-A Anna Salai,
CHENNAI-600 002.
Dated : 17.06.2016
The Debts Recovery Tribunal is a quasi judicial body set up under the provisions of the Recovery of Debts Due to Banks and Financial Institutions Act, 1993 by the Ministry of Finance, Department of Financial Services, Government of India. It is proposed to fill up the following posts in the Tribunal by transfer on deputation basis.
1. Court Master — 1 post
2. LDC
— 3 posts
3. MTS
— 2 posts
2. Pay Scale and Eligibility Conditions prescribed for each of the above posts are given in Annexure-I.
3. The period of deputation shall be initially for a period of one year but extendable up to three years. The appointment of candidates selected for the posts on deputation basis will be governed by the terms and conditions mentioned in Ministry of Personnel & Training orders bearing OM No. DOPT O.M. No 6/8/2009-Estt (Pay-II) dated 17.06.2010 as amended from time to time.
4. Age Limit for all the posts is 56 years as on the last date for receipt of applications in this Tribunal.
applications of eligible candidates who are desirous of joining the posts
on deputation basis and who can be spared immediately may be forwarded to this
Tribunal addressed to the Secretary/Registrar, Debts Recovery
Tribunal-III, in the
prescribed Proforma (Annexure-II) along with attested copy of APAR Dossiers for
the last 5 years along with vigilance clearance & integrity certificates. This
circular is
issued in continuation to our earlier circular of even no. dated 10-05-2016,
the time
limit till
July 2016
forwarding the applications of the eligible candidates for the above posts.
Officials who volunteer for the post will not be
permitted to withdraw their names later.
Dated : 10.05.2016
The Debts Recovery Tribunal is a quasi judicial body set up under the provisions of the Recovery of Debts Due to Banks and Financial Institutions Act, 1993 by the Ministry of Finance, Department of Financial Services, Government of India. It is proposed to fill up the following posts in the Tribunal by transfer on deputation basis.
1. Court Master – 1 post
2. LDC – 3 posts
3. MTS – 2 posts
2. Pay Scale and Eligibility Conditions prescribed for each of the above posts are given in Annexure-I.
3. The period of deputation shall be initially for a period of one year but extendable up to three years. The appointment of candidates selected for the posts on deputation basis will be governed by the terms and conditions mentioned in Ministry of Personnel & Training orders bearing OM No. DOPT O.M. No 6/8/2009-Estt (Pay-II) dated 17.06.2010 as amended from time to time.
4. Age Limit for all the posts is 56 years as on the last date for receipt of applications in this Tribunal.
5. The applications of eligible candidates who are desirous of joining the posts on deputation basis and who can be spared immediately may be forwarded to this Tribunal in the prescribed Proforma (Annexure-II) along with attested copy of APAR Dossiers for the last 5 years along with vigilance clearance & integrity certificates, so as to reach the Secretary/Registrar, Debts Recovery Tribunal-III, Chennai within 30 days from the date of this circular. Officials who volunteer for the post will not be permitted to withdraw their names later.
Encl: Annexure I & II
1)All Ministries/Departments of Government of India
2)The Registrars of all DRATs & DRTs
3) The CAT, Principal Bench, New Delhi
4) Admn Depts of State Govt of Tamil Nadu/ Central Govt offices in Tamil Nadu
5) The Registrar General, Madras High Court and Registrar (Admn), Madurai Bench of Madras High Court.
Copy to:- NIC, Chennai with a request to post the circular in the web site of DRT-3, Chennai and Government of India websites like Department of Personnel and Training and Ministry of Finance or appropriate website.
1. COURT MASTER : 01 Post (on deputation)
PAY BAND : PB 1 - 5200-20200 + Grade Pay Rs.2400
ELIGIBILITY CONDITION: Employees of Central Govt/ State Govts/ Courts/Tribunals holding analogous posts on regular basis or LDCs with eight years regular service in the Pay Band-I Rs.5200-20200 with Grade Pay Rs,1900/- or equivalent.
2. LOWER DIVISION CLERK: 03 Posts (on deputation/absorption)
PAY BAND : PB 1 - 5200-20200 + Grade Pay Rs 1900
ELIGIBILITY CONDITION: Employees of Central Govt/State Govts/Courts/Tribunals holding analogous posts on regular basis.
3.MULTI TASKING STAFF : 02 Posts (on deputation/absorption)
PAY BAND : Rs.5200-20200 + Grade Pay of Rs.1800/-
ELIGIBIITY : Employees of Central Government / State Government Courts / Tribunals holding analogous post on regular basis.
(No column should be left blank)
(1) Name of the applicant:
(2) Post applied for:
(3) Date of Birth:
(4) Present post held
(5) Present pay and scale of pay
(6) Date of regular appointment in present scale/grade
(7) Educational qualifications
(8) Details of Experience with period
(9) Date of return from last ex-cadre post, if any
(10) Whether belongs to SC, ST/OBC
(11) Remarks, if any:
(12) Postal address for communication with Telephone Number
and Pin code (in block letters)
(13) Postal address of Parent Dept with tele/Fax
numbers, Pincode (In block letters)
Signature of the Applicant
The information furnished by the candidate has been verified from the records and is found to be correct. ACR/APAR Dossiers for the last five years and Vigilance Clearance Certificate are enclosed. In the event of selection of the candidate, he/she will be relieved immediately from this department.